ArchZoom Home Page

ArchZoom is an advanced revision browser for GNU Arch, written from scratch and distributed under GNU GPL. ArchZoom works with any standard browser including text based, css-enabled and javascript-enabled browsers. Nothing special is required on the web server side except for tla (or baz) and perl.

Screenshots (no annotate screenshot yet)
[archzoom shot 1] [archzoom shot 2] [archzoom shot 3] [archzoom shot 4]
[archzoom shot 5] [archzoom shot 6] [archzoom shot 7] [archzoom shot 8]


The live supermirror browser features a large number of archives. I don't have the access to it anymore, and it currently seems to use an old version with the default configuration. So some nice features like global categories and tarball downloading are disabled, and it may be slow due to disabled revision library. You are welcome to setup archzoom.cgi managing your archives on your own apache and tune it for the best performance, the installation is easy.

You may try a more up to date installation: To get different themes like the ones shown on the screenshots, add certain parameters to any archzoom url, for example: ?template=plain or ?template=plain?color=snow or ?layout=fresh or ?layout=larger?color=ivory2 or ?color=sunny or ?color=bright or ?color=metallic or ?template=default?layout=fresh?color=ghost .


ArchZoom developement is done in Arch archive. The latest arch tree of ArchZoom may be downloaded like this:

% tla register-archive
% tla get archzoom

Alternativelly, the latest release is available here: archzoom-0.5.1.tar.gz.

More information
README - NEWS - FAQ - TODO - REQUIREMENTS - Browse developement